Here is what we have been building at Killarney. We focus on illustrated covers that flex student skills and work habits. Our covers are forged from blood, sweat and tears. We celebrate and support our lead artists as a team effort. Everybody on our team contributes to the spirit and theme of the cover illustrations. We hope you enjoy our passion for cover artwork.
Pre-orders taken at D124 - come get your while they last. Supplies are limited and we have sold more than we planned in Sept-Nov 2023…
MISSED it in 2023?
GET ONE AT D!124 - still available $45
Amazing artwork, fantastic sports photos, clever copy writing, excellent illustration and design layout.
High school is a journey and we, as its travellers, are going through substantial transformations. We are forced into the unknown, but with our curiosity, determination, and hope we will persevere through it all.
As we considered the challenges we have overcome as a school, we realized how much we have developed. Conquering these struggles has made us more resilient and flexible, but that does not mean we are done yet. The world continues to evolve and we shall adapt along with it.
We as the yearbook team wanted to shed light on the changes happening to our students and staff. From the grade 8’s just beginning their journeys, to the graduates who are ready to traverse into a new world, we are experiencing changes big and small. This metamorphosis is what molds us into something unique.
MISSED it in 2022?
GET ONE AT D!124 - still available $40
Best Cover Art in North America! Pure genius illustration creativity and execution. This cover was hailed as a Masterpiece debut at the Secondary School level.
This year our team thought about all the changes and adaptations society and school life in particular had undergone. With caution and anticipation we are re-establishing our routines. School life has been born anew.
As our graduates prepare to leave Killarney, they will be facing many challenges which will determine the quality of their life. Knowing how to present a fresh perspective and seize the opportunities on this new school year while working through obstacles and challenges is central to our team’s approach.
Our yearbook team decided to embrace the process of being reborn into a new way of life, yet still being aware of the path that has lead us to this point. A move from a new reference point and we seek to understand how society changes and how we learn to learn within our ever-changing environment.
We hope to create a book to inspire undergrads and graduates alike to embrace this new beginning as we set out into a brave new world.