It’s hard to believe that in less than a month I am going to be graduating. These past 5 years have passed by so fast and through it all I have been so lucky to have my friends to support me. From all the false fire alarms, to long nights of studying and the clubs that we joined, Killarney has been an adventure. One class that I know I will never forget is Yearbook. Although I have only spent a year in this class it has taught me a lot about dedication and hard work. Tracking down kids and teachers or making hundreds of spreads isn’t easy but the work pays off in the end. I can tell that this yearbook is going to turn out great (and no I am not just saying that because I helped work on it). For anyone reading this out there who is thinking about taking Yearbook, I strongly recommend you do so because at the end of the day YOU create something that you can look back on and say “I made that”. And in my opinion that’s a pretty awesome thing to brag about. I want to end this post by saying thank you to both Mr. Malloff and the Yearbook team. Without the hard work that they put into this Yearbook it wouldn’t be as great as it is and I am going to miss all of you.